Developmental Editing—$.015/word

A developmental edit focuses on overall story development as it helps to bring your project up to publishable quality. This addresses things such as: plot development, character development, proper settings and place, potential plot holes, and the general readability of your manuscript. If this is your rough draft or your manuscripts first round of editing, this should be your first stop before pursuing line or copy editing. Comes with one round of revisions. 



Line Editing— $.009/word

A line edit focuses on sentence variation and flow, tense consistency, word choice, evoking emotion, and overall style. It will also alert you to more insidious issues such as: run-on sentences, cliched language, confusing language or jargon, telling rather than showing, pacing, and weak or melodramatic language. This type of edit should be your second stop, once your plot and overall story development are complete. Comes with one round of revisions.



Copy Editing— $.007/word

A copy edit focuses on proofreading and should be your final round of editing before publication. This will address things such as: spelling and grammar, syntax and punctuation, consistency and readability, sentence structure, and misused words.



Manuscript Evaluation— $.006/word

Need help with outlining and structuring your book? Stuck with plot, characterization or dialogue problems? Just want someone to read what you have so far and point you in the right direction? The purpose of a manuscript evaluation is to critique your project as a whole and help to decipher what your next steps should be. This will look at things such as: story development, are your characters appealing, emotional impact to the reader, setting/world building, and opening scene “hook”. Choose your level of critique from gentle to no-holds-barred.



Author Coaching— $50 per session

Author coaching is for those who feel they need more one-on-one coaching than what text conversations can offer. In these hour long meetings, we will go over your writing and answer any questions you may have, as well as present you with solutions to problems I may have come across while reading your manuscript.

**This is meant to work in tandem with the other services offered as I will need to have read your manuscript before the coaching sessions can begin.


Each of these services can be purchased individually (other than Author Coaching) or as a package. Package details are provided below.


**All prices are listed in US dollars. We do accept foreign transactions. To submit your manuscript for consideration, please fill out the brief form on our “Contact” page. If you are unsure which package is best for you, we would be happy to provide a free editing sample of your first two chapters (this will be done in the form of the platinum package).